Machine details


Automatic line for packaging coffee capsules


Boxes min 76x40xh32, max 275x67xh160, other sizes on request


The cartons are prepared by the carton-forming machine, starting from unfolded blanks, and inserted with the top open inside the compartments of the transport chain.
At the same time, incoming capsules from your production line are taken from the feeding belt and divided into channels. Depending on the required arrangement in the case (2 or 3 rows, alternately flipped, etc.), the customer-developed feeding system will create the required sequence and arrangement by depositing them in the compartment belt. At the end of the belt, a pick-and-place system takes a group of products and places them inside the cartons, composing the first layer and then ending the batch by introducing the set number of layers. Continuing the operating cycle, the conveying chain moves full cartons to the closing area, while as many empty ones reach the filling area. During the latter movement, hot glue strips necessary for closing are applied to the filled cartons, and during the subsequent dwell they are pushed under the closing hopper. An elevator then feeds them into the hopper for final closure of the flaps. The finished boxes exiting the hopper are moved by a pusher onto a conveyor belt that conveys them to the line exit.

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